Unique registration number in the Unified State Register: what is it and where to look

14.11.2023 18:20

The unique registration number in the Unified State Demographic Register (UNZR) is located on the title side of the ID card on the right side from the bottom (above the passport number).

UNZR is a digital, immutable human identifier that helps to quickly and reliably establish an identity. It consists of a sequence of eight and five digits, which are separated by the “-” symbol. The first eight digits are the date of birth of the person in the format - year of birth, month and date. This is followed by a four-digit code from 0001 to 9999. The last digit is control and unique. For its calculation, the method of calculating control digits in the machine-readable zone of passports is used according to a special formula.

UNZR is assigned when one of the biometric documents is issued, be it an ID-card or a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad.

The unique registration number in the registry is unchanged throughout life (does not change in the event of a change of surname, name or any other information).

State Migration Service of Ukraine

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