Ukrainian soldiers issued new passport documents during rehabilitation in Sumy

08.04.2023 16:20

The migration service in the border region of Sumy actively continues to work in one of the priority areas - documenting the defenders of Ukraine.

Recently, in the Sumy Department No. 2 of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Sumy region, applications for registration of passports were received from soldiers from the Luhansk and Donetsk directions.

Oleg, originally from Zaporizhia, went to the front immediately after the start of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. However, during the execution of another combat mission in Luhansk region, he was wounded.

But Vasily, originally from Chernivtsi, has been defending Ukraine in the East since 2018. Recently, during heavy fighting for Bakhmut, he was wounded and evacuated to a hospital.

Currently, the servicemen are being treated in one of the medical institutions of the regional center. After receiving passport documents, they plan to undergo rehabilitation according to the cord.

Recall that you can issue an ID-card and passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad in any department of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, the “Passport Service” and the ASAP.

Thank you to every Hero who defends Ukraine! Let's bring victory closer together!

State Migration Service of Ukraine

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