One of the streets of Kharkiv was named in honor of Yevgeny Yenin - former Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs

02.04.2024 13:40

In the city of Kharkiv, 18 place names were renamed, the names of which are associated with the aggressor country. The relevant decree was signed by the Kharkiv mayor.

One of the renamed streets was Bakulin Street in the city center. From now on, it will bear the name of former Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Yevhenii Yenin.

Yevgeny Yenin died on January 18, 2023 in a plane crash that occurred in Brovary. Together with the Minister of Internal Affairs Denis Monastyrsky, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Yuri Lubkovich, the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and pilots, he was on board the helicopter of the State Emergency Service. The plane crash killed 14 people, including four civilians.

More about Yevheniya Yenina of the Ministry of Internal Affairs see the documentary project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Port 54"

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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