The New York Times published material with a touching photo of the border guard's family

15.03.2023 12:04

The photo was taken by the correspondent Daniel Berehulak at the Kramatorsk railway station, where the soldier was escorting the family home.

Border guards — Alexander and Yana, served together in Kramatorsk. In February 2022, realizing the danger, Yana with a small child was forced to go to a safer Khmelnytskyi region. Since then, they have hardly been seen.

Recently, Yana and her daughter came to Kramatorsk on vacation to spend time with her beloved husband and native dad. However, the vacation quickly passed, and the family was again at the station.

Two men approached border guards near the train, journalists from the New York Times said, and asked permission to take pictures. Alexander and Yana smiled, thought it was a joke, but they were allowed to take pictures.

Subsequently, on the front page of The New York Times, the material of the correspondent Daniel Berehulak with a touching photo appeared.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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