In the capital, operatives detained a serial thief of electric scooters

03.07.2023 18:00

In addition to a large number of components for scooters, law enforcement officers seized grenades and cartridges from the attacker. The recidivist is reported on suspicion of committing criminal offenses. He faces up to eight years in prison.

Recently, numerous appeals have been received to the Darnitsky Police Department about thefts of electric scooters and their spare parts. Representatives of rental companies reported that many vehicles were disassembled by unknown persons, and some scooters were stolen.

During the investigation, the unit's operatives conducted painstaking search work, established the identity of the suspect and at night, during another attempt to steal a scooter, detained him.

The detainee was a 37-year-old local resident who had previously fallen into the field of view of law enforcement for committing theft and illegal possession of a vehicle. The attacker moved around on a bicycle and in his backpack, law enforcement officers found a battery that he removed from another electric scooter, as well as tools for committing crimes: a set of screwdrivers, a gas burner, pliers, a wire cutter, etc. Police conducted an urgent search of his residence and found numerous components for scooters and two electric scooters. In addition, an F-1 grenade with ignition and automatic weapon cartridges was seized from the thief.

Investigators of the Darnitsky Police Department detained the suspect in the order of Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, initiated criminal proceedings under Part 4 of Art. 185 of the Criminal Code — theft committed under martial law and Part 1 of Art. 263 KKU — illegal handling of military supplies and with the agreement of the Darnytsky District Prosecutor's Office of the city of Kiev informed the defendant about the suspicion. He faces between five and eight years in prison.

At the moment, the court chooses a preventive measure for the suspect. The police continue to establish his involvement in similar offenses on the territory of Darnitsky district and Kiev.

National Police of Ukraine

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