A new “Safety Class” was opened in the Kiev region

12.02.2023 18:01

A new “Safety Class” was opened in Belotserkivshchyna in one of the local schools. Rescue Service specialists, together with local governments, educators, representatives of the National Police and UNICEF partners, jointly organized the creation and opening of a new educational space.

Here, schoolchildren were given an introductory introductory lesson on fire safety rules, interesting, fun and accessible telling about vital things. A representative of the pyrotechnic service briefed those present in detail with explosive objects, focusing on potential threats and on the procedure in case of their detection.

This visual acquaintance of children with dangerous situations will help them better understand the level of threat and remember well how to act in extreme conditions and should not act.

Also during the lesson, the students wore the protective uniform of professional firefighters, and feeling like real rescue heroes were photographed in a fire truck.

State Emergency Service of Ukraine

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