A meeting was held in Kyiv on preventing and stopping gross violations of children's rights in Ukraine in the context of armed aggression of the Russian Federation

12.04.2024 12:00

On April 9, a meeting was held in Kyiv under the patronage of the Counsellor — Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Children's Rights and Child Rehabilitation, the national focal point on children and armed conflicts in Ukraine Daria Gerasimchuk on preventing and stopping gross violations of children's rights in Ukraine in the context of armed aggression The Russian Federation against Ukraine.

The meeting was held at the highest level of the Interministerial Working Group on Children and Armed Conflicts and the heads of UN structures and agencies in Ukraine on the results of the implementation of the Joint Preventive Plan to prevent and overcome gross violations against children as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reported on the current steps for the implementation of the pilot project “Safe Country”, a number of joint initiatives and informational trainings on cybersecurity, mine safety issues, rules for handling explosive substances, etc. Active work is also underway to inform school students about safety rules as part of a joint project with UNICEF on the basis of mobile safety classes in frontline regions.

Daria Gerasimchuk thanked all members of the Interministerial Working Group and the heads of UN structures and agencies in Ukraine and noted: “Everything we talk about and report today reflects on the lives of Ukrainian children whom we protect. Today's dialogue is not only an opportunity to discuss what has already been done and achieved, but also to plan the next joint steps.”

“UNICEF appreciates the progress of the Government of Ukraine in implementing the Joint Preventive Plan and stands ready to continue to support the government's efforts to prevent and end serious violations against children during the ongoing war,” said Munir Mamedzade, UNICEF Children's Fund Representative in Ukraine.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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