In Kyiv, a Crimean woman issued an ID card after establishing her identity via video communication

16.03.2023 16:05

During the war, the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine continues to create all conditions so that Ukrainians can timely issue and receive the necessary passport documents. In particular, the establishment of persons takes place using video conferencing. This process simplifies the registration of a passport in Ukraine.

Employees of the Solomensky Department of the CMU DMS in the city. Kyiv and Kyiv region conducted such a procedure for a girl from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. After the start of a large-scale war, the Ukrainian woman left the temporarily occupied peninsula to Kiev.

After reaching the age of 18 for the first time in order to obtain an ID card, a Crimean woman had to go through the procedure of establishing a person with the involvement of relatives, neighbors, etc. The girl's parents could not be present in person, so confirmation of the identity took place via video link. After that, the necessary document was drawn up.

As a reminder, every Ukrainian who has reached the age of 14 is obliged to obtain a passport of a citizen of Ukraine. The list of documents for registration of a passport of a citizen of Ukraine in the form of an ID-card upon reaching the age of 18, as well as the procedure for conducting a videoconference communication, can be found on the website of the State Migration Service of Ukraine.

State Migration Service of Ukraine


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