In the “Guard of Offensive” will appear a new ninth brigade - “Charter”

11.04.2023 18:26

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Kateryna Pavlichenko stated this on the air of the national tele-marathon “United News”.

According to her, the department has already received tens of thousands of applications from volunteers who are ready to join the “Guard of Offensive”. That is why it was decided to continue recruiting and create a new brigade within the National Guard of Ukraine.

“This brigade will be the ninth in the “Guard of Offensive” and the seventh brigade in the National Guard of Ukraine. Recruitment to the Charter has already begun, you can also submit an application or through the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where you can get acquainted in more detail with information about the stages of selection, about the training that will take place. In addition, you can get acquainted with the addresses of those CNAPs that are currently working, where you can also submit your documents offline,” says the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Kateryna Pavlichenko notes that the level of selection of candidates for the “Guard of Offensive” is quite high, because the best and most motivated should be recruited into the ranks of the fighters.

“Indeed, we must select and recruit the best, the most motivated and prepare them appropriately, based on the experience that Ukraine already has today and the experience that our foreign partners can provide. Nevertheless, we understand that indeed at one stage or another we have certain suspensions, whether at the stage of the military medical commission, when candidates do not pass due to health reasons, or insufficient level of physical fitness,” the Deputy Minister added.

However, according to her, candidates who still have a great desire to join one or another unit of the “Guard of the Offensive” can improve their physical fitness through training and join the ranks of assault brigades:

“Each brigade is such a large mechanism that includes a lot of different specialties. And the people who come, volunteers, they have the opportunity to learn based on their skills, skills, knowledge and wishes to work in one direction or another. This is an UAV operator, scout, gunner, infantryman, grenade launcher.”

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ekaterina Pavlichenko said that the training of fighters lasts several months. Initially, it takes place in an individual mode, because a large number of volunteers have not previously served in the army. The next stage of training is already in the unit, in which the fighters will serve.

“At the moment, we see a lot of demand and desire to join the ranks of the Advance Guard, so we continued recruiting. In particular, we opened the possibility of joining another brigade, which is called “Charter” and it will be part of the National Guard of Ukraine,” the Deputy Minister added.

Department of Communications

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