The DMS told about all the advantages of the ID card

13.05.2023 16:45

The ID card in terms of the number of advantages not only exceeds all previous samples of passports that were valid on the territory of Ukraine, but also many modern representative documents of other countries.

In addition to the usual set of mandatory information on the name of the state, full name in Ukrainian and Latin transliteration, gender, citizenship, date and place of birth, digitized face image, signature of the cardholder, entry number in the Unified State Demographic Register, taxpayer number, document number, date of issue the date and expiration date, the code of the authorized body for issuing the document, the ID-card also contains variable information on contactless electronic media regarding registration of residence, marital status, information about children.

The obvious advantage of such a document is the impossibility of forgery, and therefore no one will use the personal data of the owner for fraudulent purposes.

The individual tax number of a citizen is not only assigned automatically during the registration of the first passport, but also applied directly to the card itself.

Citizens of Ukraine have the opportunity to obtain a qualified electronic signature (CAP) on the ID card chip, which opens access to various electronic services of state bodies, administrative and banking services, etc.

By the way, the document can be used to travel to Turkey and Georgia without an existing passport.

State Migration Service of Ukraine

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