Testing of operational information of the population about threats using Kyivstar, Vodafone and lifecell continues

17.06.2022 18:05

Testing of the new system of prompt informing the population about emergencies with the help of mobile operators Kyivstar, Vodafone and lifecell began on June 15, 2022 and takes place in two regions - in Vinnytsia and Poltava region.

The new notification system will work thanks to Cell Broadcast technology, which has significant advantages over SMS informing: faster receipt of notifications, flexibility in choosing locations for informing, the presence of a sound signal even if the sound on the subscriber's smartphone is turned off.

At the first stage, from June 15, only test messages are sent in Poltava and Vinnytsia regions to check the operation of the system. Content of the test message: “State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Testing the population information system. More: https://dsns.gov.ua/test”; it is not related to the occurrence of a real emergency and does not require action on the part of citizens.

How does the new operational information system work?

The new information system will work thanks to Cell Broadcast technology, which has significant advantages over SMS informing:
- messages are transmitted much faster;
- messages will reach subscribers of mobile operators who are within the range of selected mobile base stations. That is, the SNS can send information to residents of a particular settlement, region or throughout Ukraine, depending on the situation;
- a sound signal about the receipt of the message will be even if the sound on the phone is turned off, so that the notifications must be paid attention and reacted in accordance with instructions and advice on actions in various threats.

Despite all these advantages, Cell Broadcast technology has some limitations on the part of subscriber equipment (phones) — older phone models (until 2019 release) are unlikely to be able to receive Cell Broadcast alerts.”

Which phones support these notifications?

Cell Broadcast can receive messages from the Cell Broadcast system mainly mobile phones (smartphones) that have been produced since 2019 and that have the operating system Android version 11 and higher or iOS from version 14.5. In the future, the list of smartphone models that will be able to receive such notifications will expand.

How to make sure that such notifications will arrive?

First, check if your SIM card is active, and whether there is a mobile operator network. If “On the plane” mode is enabled, then turn it off to receive notifications.

Pay attention to the version of the operating system. For Android it should be version 11 or higher, and for iOS, from version 14.5. If you can, update the version of the operating system.

We recommend that you check that receiving notifications is enabled in the smartphone settings. Depending on the manufacturer, the settings for receiving emergency notifications can be in the “Notifications” section (Samsung, iPhone, OnePlus), “Sound and vibration” (Huawei), “Security and passwords” (Xiaomi).

How do I manage receiving notifications on my phone?

Receiving some notifications can be controlled, turned on and off. Depending on the device manufacturer, the settings can be in the “Notifications” section (Samsung, iPhone, OnePlus), “Sound and vibration” (Huawei), “Security and passwords” (Xiaomi). These can be called “Emergency Alerts” for iPhone, “Emergency Threats” and “Serious Threats” for Android phones.

The SNS strongly does not recommend that citizens turn off receiving notifications about a threat or an emergency, about an air alarm, because people's lives may depend on the timely receipt of this information.

If the sound in the phone settings is turned off, will I hear the notification sound?

Yes, this is one of the key advantages of Cell Broadcast technology over SMS messaging. A loud signal along with vibration will last 15-20 seconds or until the notification is turned off by a person.

What should be done to those who will not receive such notifications?

We advise you to keep an eye on other alert systems, namely: “Attention all” signals, which are given by means of electric sirens and signal and loudspeakers and receive information about emergencies through television and radio broadcasting, information resources on the Internet, etc.

Where can I get acquainted with the instructions in advance in case of various emergencies and other dangers?

This information can be found on the website of the State Emergency Service in the section “Safety Alphabet”.

Press service of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine

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