Human trafficking: Criminals prey on vulnerable people

30.07.2022 15:29

Human trafficking is not only kidnapping, as one can imagine, but also recruitment, during which the victim may not even know what the attackers are planning against her.
Military actions on the territory of Ukraine cause mass displacement of the population, which in turn are conditions that can lead to an increase in the level of human trafficking due to the particularly vulnerable the condition of persons forced to leave their homes. In addition, due to the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, Ukrainian families faced unprecedented cruelty on the part of the aggressor, the forcible removal of people, including children, abroad, and cruel treatment. And this is the reality that Ukrainian society is currently facing.

It is worth noting that on July 19, 2022, the US Department of State included Russia in the lists of countries that have policies or practices of trafficking in human beings and forced labor, or whose security forces and government-supported armed organizations recruit or use children as soldiers.

Since the beginning of the armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine, the Administration of the State Border Guard Service, together with representatives of other interested ministries and departments, ensured the elaboration of amendments to the Rules for crossing the state border by citizens of Ukraine, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 27, 1995. № 57. These changes, during the period of the state of emergency or martial law on the territory of Ukraine, regulate the issue of departure outside Ukraine, including the most socially unprotected categories of citizens.

Also, operational-search units of the State Border Guard Service are actively working to combat human trafficking in close cooperation with other law enforcement agencies. In 2022, border guards stopped functioning of 3 illegal groups consisting of 11 people. 1 organizer was detained, the courts issued 4 indictments against 4 persons, of which 2 persons received real terms of imprisonment. According to the State Fiscal Service, 4 criminal proceedings have been initiated under Art. 149 Criminal Code “Trafficking in Human Beings”, 4 potential victims of trafficking are prevented from being exported abroad.

Border guards also conduct active operational work to counter other forms of human trafficking, in particular related to the involvement of Ukrainian citizens in criminal activities abroad.

Remember! Anyone can become a victim of modern slave traders, especially because of the war in Ukraine, because people are forced to leave their homes. Although Ukrainians abroad, in addition to Russia, are greeted hospitably, but, unfortunately, this does not protect them from the risk of getting into the networks of human traffickers.

Today, on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, we offer you some rules that will help protect you from this scourge.

Press service of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

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