The FSB agent, son of Yanukovych's security chief, will be tried. He supervised a filtration camp in Zaporizhzhya region

02.04.2024 13:07

A 28-year-old employee of the Russian FSB organized illegal detention of Ukrainians, searches of their personal property and interrogations with the use of physical violence and simulated execution.

Illegally detained were taken to a filtration camp on the territory of the temporary detention center No. 2 of the Kamensk-Dnieper police department of the GUNP in the Zaporizhzhya region. According to preliminary estimates, up to hundreds of people were held there. Those who managed to escape are currently providing Ukrainian police with screenings and telling about their terrible experiences to the world press.

“He organized all the tortures,” says a 51-year-old resident of Zaporizhia, who was lucky to get out of the filtration camp, in an interview with one of France's most famous publications, “El Figaro” - “On his orders, I was beaten and strangled. He imitated my execution and told me that two divisions of Chechens would come and rape me... In the intervals between the tortures, the occupier forced the woman to confess to the cameras of the Russian media that she was helping the Ukrainian army. This information spread among local collaborators who killed the victim's dogs and threatened her life and health.

Investigators of the National Police have already established 67 similar places of freedom for Ukrainians, 42 of which are located on the territory of the Russian Federation. All filtering actions in them are carried out according to the method developed by the FSB of the Russian Federation. It is aimed at singling out patriotic Ukrainians and their subsequent moral breakdown.

The curator of the Kamensk-Dnieper Filtration Camp from the Russian FSB in January 2024, under the procedural guidance of the Office of the Prosecutor General, was notified of suspicion of violation of the laws and customs of war committed by a preliminary conspiracy of persons (Part 2 of Article 28, Part 1 of Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), which provides for up to fifteen years in prison.

At present, the investigators of the National Police have handed over the materials of criminal proceedings with an indictment against the defendant to the court of the city of Zaporizhzhia.

Pre-trial investigation into other participants in crimes in the building of the Kamensko-Dniprovsky police station continues.

Ukrainian police continue to collect a complete evidence base to prosecute the Russian Federation for crimes of genocide of Ukrainians at the national and international levels.

National Police of Ukraine

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