A new site about mine safety has been created

17.02.2023 15:30

Ukraine is included in the list of countries most polluted by mines. To reduce the risk of injury or death of children, the National Emergency Service of Ukraine, together with the UN Children's Fund UNICEF Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, launched the All About Mine Safety website for parents, teachers and children.

“30% of our country is contaminated with explosive objects. Children are a particular risk group, because their curiosity or inattention can cost them their lives. Therefore, now it is extremely important to teach children and their parents the rules of mine safety,” said Oleksandr Chekrygin, director of the Emergency Prevention Department of the State Emergency Situations of Ukraine.

The mentioned resource contains four sections:

✔️ for parents

✔️ teachers

✔️ Adolescents

✔️ children

Each of them contains age-adapted information about the types of mines and the rules for dealing with them. In the section “Teachers” you can find methodological recommendations for conducting a lesson on mine safety and ready-made presentations for students of different classes.

You can read more about the work of the site at: https://bit.ly/3XTC16N

State Emergency Service of Ukraine

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