Investigators of the National Police announced to the employees of the Olenov Correctional Colony on suspicion of torturing a captured policeman

04.03.2024 16:30

After the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the occupiers used Volnovsk Correctional Colony No. 120 (better known as the “Olenov Colony”) as a filtration camp, where more than three thousand prisoners of war of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, law enforcement officers and civilians were held and tortured.

Among them is an officer of the National Police of Ukraine, who was in the surrounded Mariupol. The policeman to the last performed his official duties, after which he was illegally detained by the “Dnrivets” at one of the checkpoints and convoyed to the Olenovsk colony. Already during the “reception” of the newcomers, he was brutally beaten only because he answered the questions of the director of the colony without looking away.

After that, by order of the head of the colony, the police officers were deliberately held on crutches for more than an hour and beaten with rubber batons for every attempt to get up, and then transferred to disciplinary isolation and beat their legs for almost half an hour on different parts of the body, forcing them to sing the anthem of the Russian Federation and shout slogans” Glory to Russia!” and “glory “dnr!”. No medical care was given to him after the torture.

Investigators of the National Police established the identity of the head of the Olenov colony and the executors of his criminal orders. These are the former head of the search sector of the Gorlovsk regional department of the disbanded militia and two former employees of the State Penitentiary Service in Donetsk region, who went to cooperate with the occupiers for leadership positions after the seizure of part of Donetsk region in 2014.

Under the procedural guidance of the Office of the Prosecutor General, they were notified of suspicion of violation of the laws and customs of war (Part 1 of Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The defendants face up to twelve years in prison.

National Police of Ukraine

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