The situation on the western border. Border guards catch evaders, seize drugs and smuggled cigarettes

17.11.2023 17:20

In Odesa region, the border guards of the Podolsk detachment together with the SBU officers exposed another “scheme” of transporting people across the border and liquidated the illegal “business”.

The transfer abroad was organized by a local resident of Rivne region, involving an accomplice in his activities. Each of them had its own role and functions. The organizer personally searched for customers through social networks and provided the assistant with clear instructions for action. The latter, in his own car, met the men and led them to a forest plantation on the border with Moldova, instructing them on a further hiking route to the EU country. Dealers estimated their work at $5000 from the desired.

Border guards stopped the intruders as soon as the car approached one of the border villages.

Currently, the organizer of the illegal scheme and his accomplice have been detained in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. They were notified of suspicion of committing a criminal offense provided for by Article 332 of the Criminal Code “Illegal transportation of persons across the state border of Ukraine”.

Measures to expose the illegal scheme were carried out by the operatives of the Podolsk Border Detachment together with the SBU staff under the procedural leadership of the Zdolbuniv District Prosecutor's Office.

And on the border with Romania, border guards with shots stopped the pacemen.

In Chernivtsi region, border guards prevented two attempts of illegal movement of tobacco products across the Ukrainian-Romanian border.

A group of unknown persons with packages was discovered yesterday afternoon by the border outfit of the Krasnoilsk department during the implementation of advance information from the operational staff of the Chernivtsi Border Detachment.

Realizing that their plans were exposed, the offenders abandoned their burdens and fled to escape responsibility. They did not stop the pacemen and several warning shots.

Under similar circumstances, tonight the border guards of the “Selyatyn” department stopped the second attempt at illegal movement of cigarettes. A group of hitchhikers was found in one of the mountain areas of the Vyzhnytsky district of the Chernivtsi region while trying to overcome engineering barriers. To stop the offense, border guards were also forced to fire warning shots.

As a result, smugglers lost 7000 packs of tobacco products without excise tax stamps of Ukraine. According to preliminary estimates, the cost of withdrawn tobacco is more than 350 thousand hryvnias.

A drunken false start on the border guards occurred in Transcarpathia. The driver of the car and his passenger, who were very drunk, saw the insult in the legal requirement of border guards to show documents. Men began to threaten law enforcement officers with murder and went to fight. Then the passenger even opened fire from the starting gun. To pacify the inadequate border guards called the police. Now they will answer to the law.

On the border with Poland, a border dog helped detect drugs.

At the checkpoint “Krakivets” border guards of the Lviv detachment together with customs officers checked the passengers of the flight bus “Prague-Zaporizhia”.

During the risk analysis, border guards raised suspicions about the 40-year-old Czech citizen. The woman was invited for an additional interview and check, during which a service dog trained to search for drugs worked.

As it turned out, the foreigner tried to secretly move drugs among the personal belongings in the bag. In two vials from under the medicine, the inspectors found substances externally similar to hashish and marijuana with a total weight of more than 20 grams.

On this fact, the border guards informed the employees of the National Police. The woman was handed over to law enforcement along with the discovered “fool”.

Situation on the Western Border

On November 16, 65 thousand people and 16 thousand vehicles crossed the western borders of Ukraine with the EU and Moldova (in the Chernivtsi region).

35 thousand people left Ukraine last day. 21 thousand of them crossed the border with Poland, the rest followed to other EU countries and Moldova.

Over the past day, 30,000 people followed Ukraine, 26 thousand of them are citizens of Ukraine.

111 trucks with humanitarian aid were issued.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine





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