SNS rescuers rescued more than 1300 people from under rubble during full-scale war

25.02.2024 15:00

The role of rescuers in this war cannot be overestimated:

● During the full-scale invasion, they made almost 137 thousand visits to eliminate the consequences of fighting. More than 17.7 thousand fires caused by enemy shelling have been eliminated.

● Almost every day, employees of the State Emergency Service risk their lives, rescuing people from under the rubble of houses destroyed by the occupiers. During the full-scale invasion, more than 1,300 lives have been saved from under the rubble.

● Another challenge for Ukrainian rescuers is the demining of Ukrainian territory, which has become dangerous due to active hostilities. In total, the specialists of the State Emergency Service have already cleared more than 117.3 thousand hectares of territory, discovered and destroyed about 471 thousand explosive objects.

● The explosion of the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant by the Russians is the largest man-made disaster in Europe in our century. During the operation to eliminate the consequences of the Russian terrorist attack, the employees of the State Emergency Service rescued 716 people in dangerous areas, and evacuated 3,773 people from the area of greatest risk.

● Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion by Ukrainian rescuers, the lives of about 4.9 thousand people have been saved.

For two years of full-scale invasion, two employees of the State Emergency Service were awarded the title Hero of Ukraine. Thank you to everyone and everyone who risks themselves to save others! We will always remember your contribution to our Victory.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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