President Volodymyr Zelensky in an evening video address noted the employees of the State Emergency Service who are working to eliminate enemy strikes

20.04.2024 22:00

President Volodymyr Zelensky in an evening video address noted the employees of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine working to eliminate the consequences of enemy shelling:

“Today I want to celebrate for this week those of our people who showed themselves the most in their work after the Russian attacks, helping people, protecting lives. These are employees of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, our medical workers, police officers. Anyone who works in the field after being hit. Everyone who gets people out from under the rubble, stops fires, saves the injured. Thank you!

I especially note... Dnipro: Denis Mikheev, Artem Serga, Dmytro Nikolayenko — guys from the State Emergency Service. Vitaly Arkhipov is an emergency doctor in Dnipro region, Yevhen Golitsyn is an emergency paramedic.

I will also note the police officers: Alexei Bondarenko, Vitaly Andriyanov. Thank you! Karina Kolisnychenko is a dog trainer from the Pavlograd Search and Rescue Squad.

Thank you for every life saved.

Odessa, State Emergency Service: Yuri Sukhorukov, Vitaly Telegus and Artem Kopechinsky. Thank you guys!

Chernihiv: Artem Lysenko — firefighter, Vadim Avramenko, Maksym Zhilko — also employees of the State Emergency Service in the region, as well as police officers Andriy Vovk, Bogdan Tkachuk. Thank you!

Thanks to Natalia Nosenok — a nurse who really cares about people, really helps.

Thank you to everyone who cares about Ukrainians, about life in our country, about their city, their community, about our entire state!

And especially thanks to each of our warriors. To all those who destroy the Russian occupier, who hold the front and, thanks to this, keep Ukraine on the map of the world. We do everything we can to ensure that our soldiers have as many opportunities as possible. For this war to end faster on our terms, Ukrainian ones. Glory to Ukraine!”


Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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