The President of Ukraine awarded the National Guard the Order of the Golden Star and the Order of the Cross of Combat Merit

10.02.2024 11:15

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky awarded the Order of the Golden Star to servicemen who were awarded the title Hero of Ukraine and the families of fallen soldiers awarded the highest rank posthumously, as well as the Cross of Combat Merit.

The ceremony took place in the White Hall of Heroes of Ukraine in the Mariinsky Palace in Kiev.

“Today we celebrate with state awards and the title of Hero of Ukraine soldiers who, together with all those who stood in defense of our state and Ukrainian life, determine the fate of Ukraine. Ukraine has already managed to stop Russia. Ukraine has learned to defend itself exactly as it needs to win,” the Head of State stressed.

Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized that Ukraine never wanted this war, but when Russia came to destroy our state and our independence, Ukrainians were not afraid to stand up for it and inspired the whole world with their courage.

“We are all proud of every Ukrainian soldier! Ukraine will always be grateful to every soldier, sergeant, officer and general who have done everything to make Ukraine live. Ukraine will always remember all its people who gave their lives in the struggle for our independence,” the President said.

The “Golden Star” of the Hero of Ukraine from the hands of the Head of State was received by the Staff Sergeant of the Spartan Brigade of the NGU Alexander Kostenko. As part of the mobile group, Oleksandr Kostenko neutralized enemy positions, as well as destroyed the ammunition depot and equipment of the occupier in Bakhmut.

In addition, the Head of State presented the “Cross of Combat Merit” to the captain of the “Frontier” brigade of the NGU Rostislav Chynikin.

According to the materials of the Office of the President of Ukraine

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