Rescuers trained as part of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism

23.03.2024 16:00

Command and staff training on the development of the procedure for the involvement of the search and rescue module (NUSAR) to assist in the elimination of the consequences of emergency situations on the territory of foreign states within the framework of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism was conducted by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

According to the legend of the exercises, an emergency situation occurred on the territory of one of the European states, as a result of which 1247 people died and more than 4 thousand were hospitalized with serious injuries. More than a thousand people were left without housing and about 2.5 thousand were resettled.

Rescuers worked out an algorithm of actions developed according to the Civil Protection Mechanism - from the moment of receiving from the Coordination Center for Emergency Response from the EU Emergency Response Center a request for assistance in the elimination of the consequences of the emergency until the adoption of decisions on the detention involvement of the NUSAR module, preparation of the necessary documents and the appointment of forces and means to provide assistance.

The training took place at the State Emergency Management Center and on the basis of the Mobile Rescue Center of the SNSS of Ukraine with the participation of all structural units of the SNSS apparatus.

The heavy-duty team of the Mobile Rapid Response Rescue Center has also practically demonstrated its readiness to respond promptly to an emergency to overcome its consequences.

For reference. The Civil Protection Mechanism of the European Union is one of the world's largest system of providing international coordinated emergency assistance. The European Civil Protection Mechanism is regularly activated to respond to floods and earthquakes, forest fires and other emergencies inside and outside Europe.

On April 20, 2023, Ukraine joined the system of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The signing ceremony was held with the participation of the Minister of the Interior Igor Klymenko and the EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Yanez Lenarchich.

State Emergency Service of Ukraine

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