Delivered counterfeit medicines for cancer patients: the capital's police exposed the dealers

10.08.2023 13:25

Criminals set up the sale of counterfeit medicines and covertly transported them from Russia and the Middle East. Such a “business” brought them more than a million hryvnias of profit every week.

The defendants were two pharmacists from the Kiev region and Kharkiv, as well as the director of a pharmacy from the Kiev region.

Violators have established a channel of illegal importation of counterfeit drugs of the cancer group into Ukraine. Sold them through Internet sites, sending across the country using the postal service and in pharmacies in the Kiev region.

During the investigation, law enforcement officers found out that counterfeit drugs were manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation and in several countries of the Middle East, from where merchants imported them to Ukraine in disguised technological cavities of their own cars. Such criminal activity brought them more than a million hryvnias of profit every week.

During searches of the places of residence and work of the defendants in the Kiev region and Kharkiv, law enforcement officers seized more than 60 items of various medicines, draft records, mobile phones, computer equipment, cars and money received from criminal activities.

Investigators of the Solomensky Police Department have already informed the defendants about the suspicion of committing a criminal offense provided for in Part 2 of Art. 321-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine — falsification of medicines or circulation of counterfeit medicines.

The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to ten years with a ban on holding certain positions or engaging in certain activities for a period of up to three years and with confiscation of property.

National Police of Ukraine

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