Chernihiv city council official informed of suspicion of budget losses of almost UAH 8 million (VIDEO)

15.02.2024 12:30

During the investigative actions, the fact of official negligence of the head of the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Chernihiv City Council was established, which led to millions of losses to the budget for the purchase of special equipment for the maintenance of roads.

The investigation established that during the procurement of special equipment, the official of the Chernihiv City Council, neglecting his duties and acting in violation of the law, did not organize internal control and did not ensure its implementation in the Administration and at the municipal enterprise.

As a result, four dump trucks with winter equipment for road maintenance were purchased at a price significantly higher than the market. Such actions of the official caused damage to the urban territorial community in the total amount of UAH 7.9 million.

Law enforcement officers informed the defendant about the suspicion of committing a crime provided for in part 2 of Article 367 (Civil negligence causing serious consequences) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for a term of two to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years and with a fine of two hundred fifty to seven hundred and fifty non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens or without such. The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

National Police of Ukraine

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