More than 6 million 200 thousand Ukrainians were forced to flee the war abroad — Mary Akopian

19.05.2022 15:35

About this today, during the international conference “EU Solidarity with Ukraine: Protecting People Fleeing War”, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Mary Akopyan said.

“According to the latest data, more than 6 million 200 thousand (6 223 821) Ukrainians fled the war, and more than 5 million (5 358 079) moved to EU countries. The largest number of people (3,357,984) moved to Poland, and at least half of them remain there. More than 1.2 million citizens of Ukraine have already registered for temporary protection in the EU countries,” the deputy minister said.

This is quite a serious burden on European countries. For example, in the Czech Republic alone, Ukrainians received 344 thousand visas for temporary residence. This figure is comparable to three percent of the population of the Czech Republic.

The Ministry of the Interior, in cooperation with European institutions, constantly analyzes and monitors trends in crimes related to trafficking in human beings. This is especially true for the underprivileged sections of the population: people with disabilities, war veterans, orphans and children deprived of parental care, the elderly and pensioners.

Mary Akopian stressed that due to mass migration processes, there is a high risk of human trafficking. Citizens of Ukraine, who were forced to leave the country as a result of the full-scale Russian invasion, face the risk of becoming victims of human trafficking. First of all, there is a high probability of involving forced migrants in criminal activities or labor exploitation.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


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