Police found a 15-year-old boy who disappeared in Poltava region

09.06.2023 14:30

The search for a minor resident of the village of Kruta Balka of the Drabiniv community lasted all night. Employees of the police department № 3 (village. Novi Sanzhary), led by the head of the unit, together with dog police officers and local volunteers surveyed field roads, trails and adjacent villages. Fortunately, this morning the boy was found healthy and unharmed in the park of a neighboring village.

Recall that on June 8, at about 23:30, his mother reported the disappearance of the son to the branch No. 3 of the Poltava district police department. The woman said that he went for a walk in the morning and did not return. Independent searches turned out to be ineffective.

The police immediately organized search activities, involving dog center inspectors with service dogs.

Yevhenii Slipchenko, Head of Police Department No. 3, said: “All night long, foot patrols inspected the streets and places where the child might be. At the same time, patrols were looking for the guy on field roads, tracks and in nearby settlements. We were also helped by local residents' information — when and where the child was last seen. Fortunately, in the morning our employees managed to find him — he was in the park of a neighboring village.”

Law enforcement officers took the guy home. The juvenile inspector is engaged in the study of the causes of this event.

National Police of Ukraine and

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