Police of Kharkiv region promptly responded to 898 citizens' appeals within 24 hours

23.01.2023 08:55

During the day, employees of investigative and operational teams and forensic experts recorded 9 cases of damage to houses and other structures as a result of shelling and opened criminal proceedings.

The personnel of the GUNP in the Kharkiv region on suspicion of involvement in sabotage and intelligence groups and in carrying out propaganda activities brought 70 people to the territorial units for verification.

At checkpoints, law enforcement officers together with soldiers checked more than 1,670 vehicles.

Since the beginning of the de-occupation measures, the employees of the Explosive Service of the National Police of Ukraine have surveyed the territory with a total area of about 2049.51 hectares. 26971 explosive items were seized, 4624 destroyed.

In total, 4667 war crimes have been registered since the beginning of the de-occupation measures, of which 4186 - according to Art. 438 (violation of laws and customs of war) and 418 - under Art. 111-1 (collaborative activities) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

National Police of Ukraine

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