Police officers accused of bribery of an official of the State Service of Food and Consumer Protection

16.02.2024 10:10

In the course of investigative and operational measures, the police established the fact of organization by the head of one of the departments of the State Service of Food Safety and Consumer Protection in the Volyn region of the mechanism of systematic receipt of funds from an employee of the subordinate state laboratory.

A lab worker was required to provide $400 in wrongful benefits monthly for not interfering with official activities and not conducting unscheduled inspections.

The operatives detained the official immediately after receiving another “tranche” of $1,200 in ill-gotten gains. Previously, the fact of receiving $800 was documented.

The defendant was informed of the suspicion under Part 3 of Article 368 (Acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an illegal benefit by an official) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The issue of choosing a precautionary measure and removal from office is resolved.

The pre-trial investigation continues under the procedural guidance of the Office of the Prosecutor General and the Lviv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

National Police of Ukraine

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