“After rehabilitation — immediately to the comrades on the battlefield”, — the story of the fighter of the brigade “Fury” Volodymyr Oniskiv (VIDEO)

01.05.2024 19:00

Volodymyr Oniskiv has been defending Ukraine from the enemy since 2014. At first he served as a member of the battalion “Ternopil”, now in the ranks of the assault brigade of the National Police “Lut”. He passed the hottest directions of the front, was wounded twice, and after rehabilitation he is going to return to health again.

From the very beginning of hostilities in the east of Ukraine, Vladimir decided to defend Ukraine from the enemy: as a volunteer he joined the battalion of the special purpose patrol service “Ternopil”, and subsequently - numerous rotations to the east. Police officers ensured law and order in the settlements of Luhansk and Donetsk region, were on duty at checkpoints, and helped the local population.

“It was hard to watch people lose everything. Emotionally it is very difficult. In such situations, you especially understand that your work is necessary,” says Volodymyr.

A full-scale invasion of the enemy caught a fighter on duty in Ternopil. Vladimir still remembers how he heard the sounds of airplanes in the sky over the city. He says that by then there was already a smell of war in the air.

At the end of March 2022, Vladimir, together with his colleagues, went to the combat zone with his brothers, because at that time part of their unit was already in the East. Side by side with the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine, the fighters of the “Ternopil” battalion performed difficult tasks in the Luhansk direction, near the city of Popasna, for which heavy, fierce fighting was then taking place.

“We carried the main service in the direction of the city of Zolotoy and Katerynivka. For Popasna there was extremely heavy fighting, the Russians practically leveled it with the ground. However, we restrained the enemy and did not allow him to move forward,” the fighter says.

Vladimir says that in this direction the enemy actively used all types of weapons on Ukrainian positions.

“Every minute you hear the continuous whistle of enemy bullets, explosions from shells and mines. They shoot at you all day with any weapon and you don't know what will come next,” the fighter recalls.

During fierce fighting at the hands of the Russian occupiers, three fighters of the Ternopil battalion were killed. These were the first combat losses of the police unit.

“Our comrades died from the direct hit of an enemy mine. It's painful to remember. The sworn war does not pity anyone,” the policeman shares with sadness.

Some time later, as a result of mortar shelling, Vladimir himself received a shrapnel wound to his hand. He says that he was very lucky, because he managed to hide in hiding.

“We were lucky because we had a “turtle” — this is a mobile shelter that is solidly built of concrete blocks. She was rescued more than once during shelling. As I remember now, 10 hours 20 minutes, I just managed to run, as a mine fell right in the door and enemy debris stuck in my shoulder,” the policeman recalls.

Timely assistance on the spot to Vladimir was provided by combat medics. After that, the injured man was evacuated and taken to the hospital. His comrades from the battalion “Ternopil” continued to hold their positions in Lysychansk with dignity. They were among the last to leave this city. Then there was Bakhmut, and later they were taken to Pokrovsk.

In February 2023, Volodymyr, together with his brothers from his battalion, decided to join the newly formed joint assault brigade of the National Police “Fury”. They understood that their combat experience would come in handy. After school, the fighters went to the front. The first combat task was to repel enemy positions near the village of Kurdyumovka in Donetsk region.

“There was a difficult battle, my close combat brother died there, a real fighter — Yura Letnyak, with whom we have served together since 2015.”

Next, brave deserters fought and performed difficult tasks in the hottest areas of the Bakhmut direction. Klishyivka and Kurdyumovka are the main exits. They displaced the enemy from the occupied positions, repelled enemy attacks, broke through the defenses, liberated territories, covered the flank of the third separate assault brigade of the Armed Forces during the liberation of the village of Andriivka. The tick was removed completely. Now there is fighting for her. In battle, coordination and clear interaction of the unit are important, Vladimir believes:

“A lot depends on how much the unit is cohesive, how the guys understand and hold on to each other. Then you realize what combat coordination is. In my unit, the guys are just good. We did not have such a task that was not completed.”

At the end of November 2023, the fighters of the “Fury” brigade performed a combat mission near Horlivka. It was necessary to capture and hold the enemy positions.

“We entered enemy positions, pelted them with grenades and the enemy had to retreat. Mines, kamikaze drones were used. The positions of the enemy were badly broken,” the policeman recalls.

I had to return through the minefield. The policeman says, here you especially understand: one careless step can cost a life. Vladimir stepped on the explosives and was wounded in his leg.

“I walked in the second group, stepped down half a meter and stepped on a mine, fortunately, my leg did not break off. He reached the base point himself. The group came out in full force, although they were wounded, exhausted, but alive,” the fighter says.

Volodymyr Oniskiv is currently completing his rehabilitation. He hopes that on the front there will still be work for him and he will miss his comrades.

“After rehabilitation immediately to my brothers on the battlefield, I do not consider other options. Most of all, I want a bright future for the children and most importantly - to protect the people, families and bring the peace that everyone is waiting for.”

National Police of Ukraine

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