Explosion of Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant: 80 settlements under threat of flooding

06.06.2023 12:30

As a result of the terrorist act and the destruction by the Russian occupiers of the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant, dozens of cities and towns fall into the flooding zone.

To overcome the emergency, t.v.o. The head of the National Police of Ukraine Ivan Vyhivsky approved the Algorithm of actions of police bodies and units on the elimination of negative consequences — for the implementation of emergency and rescue and other emergency works.

Currently, 718 police officers are involved in the liquidation, providing assistance in evacuating citizens from places of danger to live; ensuring road safety on routes of evacuation of citizens to safe places and public safety and order in places of mass stay of citizens on the tow truck points and in the areas of accommodation of evacuees.

Ivan Vyhivsky notes that in case of deterioration of the situation, a reserve of police officers has already been prepared:

“We will always be there and help residents along with colleagues from the State Emergency Service and local government representatives.”

National Police of Ukraine

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