Training of fighters, combat experience and adaptation to peaceful conditions: the story of a guard in pseudo Kot

08.04.2024 11:30

“It is impossible to prepare a man for war. You can give a skill base for survival, and already here, during the task, everyone gets used to life in their own way, the “comings” of art and aviation,” says the infantryman of the “Frontier” brigade with the call sign Kot about his work as an instructor.

Behind the shoulders of this warrior are the hottest spots in Donetsk region. Today, together with his brothers, he again holds positions in the eastern direction. Among his comrades and those whom Cott taught as a coach.

“I feel only pride for my people. Our team of instructors did everything to ensure that they had the skills to survive and destroy the enemy. Now it's up to them how they use them,” the hero shares.

The Russians are also trying to educate their people, but, says Kot, at the same time they continue to use the old Soviet techniques. Therefore, in some ways their rigid vertical works, and in something - we are several dozen steps ahead:

“I remember in the first days of the full-scale spread of the hostile IPSO, that they are very trained, they have a lot of special forces, indestructible modern equipment, just some terminators. The first battles made it clear that this was an enemy that could be fought.”

People who come to the army from civilian life sometimes find it difficult to adapt to new conditions. And it is regular physical and professional training that makes them self-confident military. Another difficult stage is further adaptation to peaceful conditions.

“It is difficult for ordinary civilians, in whom no one of their relatives is fighting, to understand what we are experiencing. Once I was sitting in a coffee shop after a long rotation, a woman came up to me and treated me with coffee, said that maybe someone would do this for her son. Coffee, of course, I could buy myself, but attention and understanding are really lacking, and it's very warming,” says Kot.

National Guard of Ukraine

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