Under reliable guard: National Guard fighters shown how to defend the northern border (VIDEO)
The servicemen of the 50th Regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine, which since 2014 have been engaged in hostilities against the aggressor, perform combat tasks on the northern borders of the country. In particular, there are those who have recently returned from Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
“Combat experience can only be gained in combat with the enemy,” the military said. “For the country's defense ability, it is important not only to gain this experience, but also to give it to others, for use in all possible directions.”
The northern border of the country in Volyn is under the watchful eye of the guards. Here they not only perform combat tasks, but also constantly train.
“All acquired skills must be constantly reinforced with training,” says one of the department commanders. “Trainings are not only important for improving knowledge and skills, they also help to unite the team and clearly establish communication with adjacent units.”
National Guard of Ukraine