During the evacuation of the wounded from Okretyny “White Angels” came under fire

23.04.2024 16:20

The occupiers targeted the residential sector, where at that time the police were helping the wounded man. On the way out of the village, the enemy attacked the crew again — shells exploded 70 meters away. The police managed to escape the fire and save the man.

The flight to Ocheretyne took place last week. After a night shelling, a local resident received a shrapnel wound, to whom the “White Angels” arrived. Law enforcement officers provided medical assistance to the victim.

At the time of the evacuation of the man, a heavy shelling began. The police quickly left the location, because a drone was above them, which corrected enemy fire.

On the way out of the village, the crew was hit again — shells fell 70 meters away. The “White Angels” managed to break out of the front-line Ocheretyne unharmed and deliver the wounded to the medical institution.

Along the way, police officers reassured a man who not only survived a difficult night, but also lost friends:

“I buried three in a week. Yesterday neighbor. Flew into the house, covered with bricks. The woman was taken away, but the man was not. He buried behind the house, because you can't reach the cemetery.”

Police urge residents of frontline settlements to save their lives and evacuate. Telephone number of the evacuation group “White Angel” on the Avdievsky direction - 066-56-19-102.

National Police of Ukraine

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