Caught in the rubble: what to do

02.01.2024 16:10

During the war, every Ukrainian runs the risk of being under the rubble. Recent enemy attacks are proof of this. The army of occupiers does not spare residential buildings. This probability is especially high now not only in the frontline cities, but also in the rest of Ukrainian settlements.

Remember - the right behavior during a blockage can save your life.

So we remind you of the rules:

  1. Keep calm. Don't panic. Emergency services are already coming to you.
  2. If possible, give signals to rescuers - shout, whistle, shine a flashlight, wave a piece of cloth, knock on batteries or pipes.
  3. Do not use matches or lighters - this can lead to an explosion.
  4. Rescuers periodically arrange a moment of silence. At this time, you should shout and signal as loudly as possible so that you are heard and noticed.
  5. Have you been heard? Wait for help.
  6. Rescuers need time to reach you through the rubble and free you. Calm down and follow their recommendations.
  7. Does no one hear you? Evaluate the situation. Try to free your arms and legs.
  8. If a part of the body is pressed and it is impossible to release it - massage the area of the body above the clamped one (to maintain blood circulation).
  9. It is important not to move the floors or beams on which everything is held. Therefore, do not disassemble the rubble around yourself.
  10. Did you manage to get out? Examine yourself. If necessary and possible, provide yourself and others with first aid.
  11. If you understand that there is no strength and opportunity to get out, continue to call for help and wait for rescuers.

To minimize the chances of falling under the rubble, do not ignore the “Air Alarm” signal. Immediately head to the shelter. If this is not possible, use the rule of 2 walls.

Important: if you yourself heard a person who was under the rubble - in no case do not come to her aid and do not try to disassemble the blockage. Such “heroism” can cost the lives of you and the injured person. Instead, call 101, 102, 103, 112 and report where the blockage occurred and how many people you hear from.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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