Operational information on enemy shelling in Ukraine

05.03.2024 09:00

The Russian army continues to shell the territory of Ukraine. This night under enemy fire were Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, Sumy, Donetsk and Chernihiv regions.

During the day, the units of the State Emergency Service carried out 139 visits to eliminate the consequences of shelling by the occupiers of settlements and infrastructure facilities, eliminated 9 fires, and provided psychological assistance to 97 people.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, 138 thousand 13 departures have been made, 17 thousand 858 fires have been eliminated, 4 thousand 926 people have been rescued, and psychological assistance has been provided to 238 thousand 722 people.

Kherson region
- 08:10 m. Beryslav, UAV drop, 1 person was injured. - 13:30 Bilozerka village, shelling, damaged private house.
There are no casualties.
- 23:00 p. Blagoveshchenskoye, Kherson district, shelling, damaged 3 private houses. There are no casualties.
- 23:05 p. Priozerne, Kherson district, shelling, damaged private house. There are no casualties.

Dnipropetrovsk region
- 08:35 and 11:55 m. Nikopol, artillery fire, destroyed an economic structure, an administrative building, a security building, a metalworking shop, 8 private houses, a minibus, 3 power lines and a low-pressure gas pipeline were damaged. There are no casualties. Involved 4 people and 1 equipment of the State Emergency Service. - 14:05 p.
Good Hope of Nikopol district, shelling, damaged private house, outbuilding and power line. There are no casualties.
- 15:25 p. Aviatorske Dniprovskyi district, falling debris of a downed rocket, a fire in a two-story non-operating production building was eliminated. There are no casualties. It involved 20 people and 5 equipment of the State Emergency Service.

Kharkiv region
- 11:00 p. Ivashki Bogodukhiv district, shelling, apartment building damaged. There are no casualties.
- 15:30 p. Ivano-Shyichino Bohodukhiv district, mortar shelling, damaged economic structure. There are no casualties.
- 16:00 p. Moscow, Kupyansk district, shelling, private house damaged. There are no casualties.
- 17:40 p. Senkove Kupyansk district, shelling, 1 person injured. - 23:00 m.
Volchansk, shelling, extinguished the fire of a private house on an area of 200 sq. m. There are no casualties. 10 people and 2 SNSS technicians were involved. - 00:25 February 5
Volchansk, shelling, damaged 4 private houses, 2 outbuildings, a car and a fire in a private house on an area of 120 sq. m. There are no casualties. It involved 5 people and one of the equipment of the State Emergency Service.

Sumy region
- 11:45 m Seredyna-Buda, mortar shelling, damaged 2 apartment buildings, lyceum building, shop and low-pressure gas pipeline. - 13:05 s.
Myropillia of Sumy district, mortar shelling, 1 person was injured. - 00:30 5 February p.
Osoyivka Sumy district, shelling, fire of an economic structure was eliminated. There are no casualties. 10 people and 2 SNSS technicians were involved.

Donetsk region
- 11:30 m. Siversk, artillery fire, an apartment building was damaged and an apartment fire on an area of 40 sq. m was eliminated. There are no casualties. Involved 7 people and 1 equipment of the State Emergency Service.
- 13:05 in Northern Bakhmut district, air strike, 1 person was injured, 4 apartment buildings and a village council building were damaged. - 14:00 and 15:10 p.
Lighthouses of Kramatorsk district, shelling and UAV attack, killed 3 people (of them 2 employees of the State Emergency Service) and 6 were injured (of them 3 employees of the State Emergency Service), 3 cars were damaged (of which 36 DPRCH tankers) were damaged. The fire of 2 trucks was eliminated. 8 people and 2 SNSS technicians were involved. - 14:00 m.
Konstantinovka, hitting an air bomb (KAB-500) in a private residential building without subsequent detonation. There are no casualties. On March 5, measures are planned to defuse an air bomb. Units of the State Emergency Service and National Police officers evacuated 57 people from 49 residential buildings that are in the zone of possible damage. 26 people and 4 technicians were involved, of which 3 persons and 1 technician from the State Emergency Service. - 16:10 p.
Zoryane Pokrovsky district, shelling, fire of an economic structure was eliminated. There are no casualties. Involved 6 people and 1 equipment of the State Emergency Service. - 16:30 p.
Oleksandropol Pokrovsky district, shelling, 1 person was killed.

Chernihiv region
18:40 near the city. Ichnia of Prilutsky district, tractor explosion on an unidentified GNP. There are no casualties.

Odessa region
00:00 — 02:30 5 February p. Kholodnaya Balka of Odessa district, hit by UAV on the territory of children's sanatorium complex “Hadzhibey” destroyed 9 buildings and 4 damaged. The fire of the dining room on an area of 500 sq. m. was eliminated. During the extinguishing of the fire, a firefighter-rescuer was injured 8 of DPRCH m. Odessa. 18 people and 2 SNSS technicians were involved.

According to the materials of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine

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