Operational information on enemy shelling in Ukraine

03.03.2024 09:00

The Russian army continues to shell the territory of Ukraine. This night under enemy fire were Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Sumy, Donetsk and Kherson regions.

During the day, the units of the State Emergency Service carried out 118 trips to eliminate the consequences of shelling by the occupiers of settlements and infrastructure facilities, eliminated 6 fires, and provided psychological assistance to 115 people.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, 137 thousand 817 trips were made, 17 thousand 841 fires were eliminated, 4 thousand 925 people were rescued, and psychological assistance was provided to 238 thousand 526 people.

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

  • 08:30 - 09:30 m. Nikopol, shelling, damaged 4 private buildings. The fire of the cafe on the area of 50 sq. m was eliminated. There are no casualties. It involved 5 people and one of the equipment of the State Emergency Service.
  • 10:30 Chervonohryhorivka village, Nikopol district, shelling, 2 people injured. 24 private buildings and 2 cars were damaged. 4 persons and 1 SNSS technician were involved.
  • 19:20 p. Kamianske Nikopol district, shelling, private house damaged. There are no casualties.

Kherson region

  • 08:30 p. Stanislav Kherson district, shelling, 1 person injured.
  • 12:40 a.m. Kherson, shelling, 1 person was injured, the building of “Nova Poshta” and an apartment building were damaged. For the survey, 3 people and 1 SNSS technician were involved.
  • 14:50 p. Zolotaya Balka, shelling, damaged administrative building. There are no casualties.
  • 17:00 m. Beryslav, shelling, extinguished the fire of a temporary structure. There are no casualties. 4 persons and 1 SNSS technician were involved.

Zaporizhzhya region

  • 10:00 p. Primorske Vasilyevsky district, shelling, 1 person was killed and a secondary school was damaged.
  • 3 March 00:50 m. Gulyaypole, shelling near the fire depot, 2 farm buildings on the territory of 19 DPRH were damaged by the blast wave. There are no casualties.

Kharkiv Oblast

  • 10:00 a.m. Kupyansk, airstrike, 2 people killed and 1 person injured, car damaged.
  • 20:50 p. Oleksandrivka Bohodukhiv district, mortar shelling, private house damaged. There are no casualties.

Donetsk Oblast

  • March 3 00:00 m. Mirnograd, rocket fire (S-300), 3 people injured, partially destroyed school. 17 apartment buildings, 6 private houses, 2 educational sites and 3 cars were damaged. The fire of the store on the area of 250 sq. m was eliminated. 14 people and 4 SNSS technicians were involved.
  • 3 March 06:40 m. Pokrovsk, missile strike, hits near an apartment building. The windows of 5 apartment buildings and 18 cars were damaged. Fire elimination of 2 cars continues. Information on the victims is being clarified. Involved 10 people and 3 equipment of the State Emergency Service.

Sumy region

  • 3 March 00:50 m. Friendship, air strike (4 CABs), damaged power lines, part of the city remains without electricity. The windows of the hospital and 3 apartment buildings were damaged. There are no casualties. For the survey, 4 people and 1 SNSS technician were involved.
  • March 3 01:50 p. Kiyanytsia Sumy district, airstrike (2 CAB), sawmill destroyed. There are no casualties.

According to the materials of the State Emergency Service


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