Operational information on the elimination of the consequences of subversion by the occupiers of the Kakhovsk hydroelectric power plant
As of June 30, on the river. Dnipro in the creation of the post “Kherson” the water level has entered the natural channel, fluctuations in the level correspond to the natural fluctuations of this time of year.
One settlement (1 house) on the right bank of the river remains flooded. Dnipro and 17 settlements in the temporarily occupied territory.
Since the beginning of work on the lines “101” and “112”, 2 thousand 362 appeals of citizens have been received.
Work is being carried out on pumping water. Over the past day, 13.2 thousand tons of water were pumped from 33 cellars. Since the beginning of the work, more than 452 thousand 708 tons of water have been pumped from 978 houses and basements.
In addition, 47 tons of water were delivered, of which 36 tons of drinking water and 11 tons of technical water. Since the beginning of the works — 951 tons of water, of which 647 tons of drinking water and 304 tons of technical water.
Since the beginning of the work, more than 80 thousand 920 kg of food and basic necessities have been delivered.
State Emergency Service of Ukraine