Online job search tool for citizens of Ukraine who are in the territory of EU Member States as temporarily displaced persons

01.12.2022 16:05

The EU Talent Test Fund is an online job search tool for people fleeing the war in Ukraine and looking for work in the EU. Persons who are under temporary protection or who are entitled to work under other appropriate protection provided for by national law in an EU Member State can register on the website and upload their resumes. This profile will be available to more than 4,000 employers, national public employment services and private employment agencies.

Participation of EU Member States in the EU Talent Test Fund project is voluntary.

The EU Talent Test Fund is implemented through the EURES job search portal, which brings together national employment agencies, private employment agencies and employers across the EU. EURES contains more than 3 million vacancies from different fields.

Candidates may also consult with EURES consultants from the project participating countries on any assistance they require. Around 1,000 consultants working in EURES Member and Partner Organisations provide support before, during and after the recruitment process.

Who can use the portal to find a job?

These are persons who are under temporary protection or who are entitled to work under other appropriate protection provided for by national law in an EU Member State.

How does the online service work?

• Register with a EURES Job Seeker Account;

• create an online resume on the portal of the EU Talent Fund test;

• publish a resume at so that employers and consultants can find you.

For more information on the EU Talent Test Fund, please visit:

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