Alexey Grechanyk is the first rescuer of Sumy region, who died on the morning of February 24, 2022

25.02.2024 19:30

On February 24, 2022, the rescuer of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service in Sumy region Alexey Grechanik went to work in the morning. He did not yet know that the Russians had broken through the border and were moving in columns across the territory of Ukraine.

That February morning, the occupiers killed Alexei on his way to work, firing several shots at the car. Wife Svetlana said that at the moment she was just talking on the phone with her husband, suddenly the sounds of the automatic queue and silence in the handset.

Loving father and beloved husband, extremely kind man — this is how Alexey remained in the memory of his family and colleagues. Svitlana's wife and two daughters now see his light eyes only from photos on the Alley of Heroes of the Glukhiv community: “Every two or three days we definitely come here. Children run and shout: “To Dad! Dad!”

We remember everyone who died at the hands of the Russian invaders. Revenge will await all enemies.

State Emergency Service of Ukraine

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