A malicious violator of migration legislation was forcibly expelled from Ukraine in Transcarpathia

27.06.2023 13:15

In the course of working on the territory of Beregovsky district, Transcarpathian migrants found a Nepalese citizen who had no legal grounds for staying in Ukraine.

As it turned out, the foreigner had already come into the field of view of the migrants. The man did not fulfill the decision on forced return, which in February was issued against him by the CMU of the DMS of Moscow. Kyiv and Kyiv region. According to the decision of the Berehovsk Court, the violator was placed in the Volyn Point of temporary residence of foreigners, and also brought to administrative responsibility under Article 203-1 of the KuPAP, a fine of 5100 UAH was levied and a decision was made on forced expulsion.

Currently, with the assistance of IOM representatives in the Republic of Moldova, the Nepalese has been deported to the country of origin. Also, a decree was adopted regarding the foreigner to ban entry into Ukraine for a period of 8 years.

State Migration Service of Ukraine

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