A tractor converted for demining fields blew up in Kharkiv region

13.08.2023 14:00

Today, August 13, at 10:06 a.m. information was received on line “101” that near s. In the field of the Yavirske Donetsk community of the Izyum district, there was an explosion of a tractor on an explosive object, which farmers converted for demining agricultural land.

Thanks to the fact that the equipment was controlled remotely, victims and victims were avoided. As a result of the explosion, only equipment noted damage. There was no fire, so the SNS units were not involved.

Today, Ukraine, as a result of Russia's aggression, is the most mined country in the world. So neglecting safety rules can lead to irreparable consequences. In the past day alone, the pyrotechnic units of the State Emergency Service discovered, seized and defused 286 units of explosive objects. During the entire period of the full-scale war, 421 thousand 172 explosive objects and 2 thousand 892 kg of explosives were neutralized, including 3 thousand 77 aircraft bombs.

Remember that you should not travel on unknown or untested dirt roads at this time. Do not touch any suspicious and unfamiliar objects. Do not visit forests, woodlands, fields, river banks and other open spaces, especially those where there was fighting, or that were under enemy occupation.

In case of detection of a suspicious object, report it to the State Emergency Service or the National Police by calling “101”, “102” or “112”.

State Emergency Service of Ukraine

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