In Kyiv region, pseudo-philanthropists who brought freon under the guise of rubber aid were exposed (VIDEO)

07.12.2023 10:20

In Kyiv region, border guards-operatives of the Kiev checkpoint in cooperation with the agents of the Volyn border patrol, together with the detectives of the BEB and the employees of the Department for Combating Smuggling and Violations of Customs Rules of the Volyn Customs, exposed the scheme of import of commercial goods under the guise of humanitarian assistance.

Law enforcers established that a group of persons used the details of a charitable organization and under its auspices imported freon gas into the territory of Ukraine for further sale.

The organizers of the scheme were persons who implemented the implementation of climatic and refrigeration equipment. In order not to pay taxes, the merchants used the details of a charitable organization of the Kiev region, the director of which had already been criminally prosecuted.

Already on the territory of Ukraine, after passing all customs operations, intruders replaced the tractor for the purpose of conspiracy and delivered the goods to the warehouse. The total amount of freon gas extracted amounted to more than 14 million UAH.

The investigation is currently ongoing. A full circle of persons involved in this scheme is established.

Procedural leadership is carried out by the prosecutors of the Kyiv Regional Prosecutor's Office. Pre-trial investigation under Part 3 of Art. 212 Criminal Code of Ukraine is carried out by detectives of TU BEB in Kiev region in cooperation with border guards of the operational and search department of OKPP “Kyiv” of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine and the Office for Combating Smuggling and Violations of Customs Rules of Volyn Customs.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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