In Donetsk region, police detained a man for the murder of a three-year-old child

04.02.2022 11:02

The disappearance of a three-year-old boy was reported to the police by his grandmother. The mother of the child could not explain where her son was. Within four hours of the appeal, the investigators discovered the brutal crime, determined that the baby had not been alive for more than a week and exposed the killer. The boy was fatally injured by his mother's roommate, the mutilated body was thrown into a bag and buried to avoid responsibility.

A statement about the child's disappearance came to the 102 line on February 2 at about 2 p.m. The boy's grandmother killed the alarm. An investigative task force and social services arrived on the call. It was found that a 30-year-old woman with three children and her roommate lived in the apartment. The couple does not work, both use drugs. In total, this family has five children between 1.5 and 9 years old, the older two live with their grandmother in another city.

Police found that there is no three-year-old son at home who has a disability and does not walk. The mother was confused in the testimony and provided false information about the persons to whom she allegedly gave the baby. Criminal investigators, investigators and juvenile prevention inspectors checked each of its versions, which were not confirmed.

To determine the fate of the child, all forces of the Kurakhovo police were involved, the work was coordinated by the leadership of the regional head. A forensic laboratory also operated on site. In a short time, neighbors and a circle of acquaintances were interviewed, the chronology of events was established, material evidence was collected. Law enforcement officers found out that the stepfather was involved in the theft.

Police officers established that on the night of January 23-24, the attacker beat a helpless child. When the toddler stopped showing signs of life, the man wrapped him in a sheet and a plastic bag, took him to an abandoned suburban area, and dug under the ground and snow.

The suspect pointed to the location, but tried to mislead the investigation, claiming that the boy died as a result of the disease, and he only buried him. However, the results of the forensic examination proved that the child died a violent death as a result of a head injury.

The 29-year-old defendant was detained in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. The man was repeatedly convicted of theft, carjacking and drug possession. At the time of the crime, he was serving a suspended sentence.

The detainee is suspected of premeditated murder of a minor child (paragraph 2 part 2 of Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). He faces up to 15 years in prison or life imprisonment. The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

The family was registered in social services as having many children. The mother of the deceased was brought to administrative responsibility for improper performance of parental duties. At the moment, two of her youngest daughters have been taken to the hospital for examination by police. The issue of depriving a citizen of parental rights is being resolved.

Donetsk Oblast Police Communications Department

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