Border guards stopped smugglers' jeep in Bukovina

12.01.2023 16:25

Near the state border, according to the operational information of the employees of the Chernivtsi detachment, the border outfit of the Krasnoilsk department found a Nissan Patrol car. With the advent of military personnel, the driver of a foreign-registered car resorted to escape. Nearby, border guards detained a Ukrainian citizen with a radio station, who was apparently his accomplice.

During the pursuit, the response team found the fugitive on one of the forest roads leading to the border. He ignored the demands of the border guards to stop. Without stopping, the vehicle continued to move towards the border crossing, thereby creating a threat to the life and health of the servicemen. After warning shots that were forced to make by border guards, the driver stopped the SUV and fled the scene.

Currently, a car with tobacco products has been delivered to the border department. According to visual inspection, there are about 20 boxes of tobacco products in the car. After the permission of the court, an inspection of the vehicle will be carried out. For the detained citizen of Ukraine, materials were compiled according to Article 204-1 of the KUPP “Illegal crossing or attempted illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine”.

For the attempt to move and sell excisable goods, a notice was sent to the police about the detection of a criminal offense provided for in Art. 204 Criminal Code “Illegal manufacture, storage, sale or transportation for the purpose of sale of excisable goods”. Measures to search for persons involved in illegal activities continue.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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