Ministry of Internal Affairs: information about the channel of smuggling of Ukrainian weapons into Finland - fake

31.10.2022 14:43

Kremlin propagandists willingly provoke the creation of dangerous myths and fictions about the processes taking place in Ukraine. In particular, they also willingly benefit from the fruits of the labor of foreign journalists, who use unverified sources, rumors from Internet slums, illogical assumptions, opinions of experts affiliated with pro-Russian forces. This is how real information operations of the Putin regime take place in order to tarnish the image of the Ukrainian state, first of all, in the eyes of partners.

The latest example of such an informational “many-walker” with such an obvious focus appeared yesterday in the Finnish press. We are talking about Yle's interview with the senior commissioner of the National Bureau of Investigation (Keskusriks), Krister Algren.

The journalist claims that this official speaks about the availability of data from the criminal police of Finland on the likelihood of weapons intended for the Ukrainian military entering criminal groups in this country. Moreover, the material states that these small arms are already in Finland, moreover, they were also found in other Scandinavian countries.

The essence of the content is that helping Ukraine with weapons, although it is a good thing, it changes the security situation and adds work to law enforcement officers. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine immediately officially began to ascertain the veracity of the data presented in this material from its Finnish counterparts. The latter denied the existence of the facts of seizure of such weapons of Ukrainian origin on Finnish territory. The corresponding widespread denial is already being prepared by the aforementioned Finnish edition, because there is every reason to believe that the information presented in the article “is somewhat contrived by the journalist and does not correspond to the words of the police representative who was interviewed.” Also, the lack of information about the existence of such a channel of illegal movement of weapons from Ukraine was confirmed by representatives of law enforcement agencies of other countries.

Currently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine sent a request to Finland, Sweden, Denmark through the Europol communication system to verify the facts given in the interview. Meanwhile, Ukrainian diplomats have already received a reply from the Finnish side that it does not have any confirmed information about the facts of smuggled arms supplies from Ukraine.
It is important to understand that our state maintains a constant dialogue with international partners in the context of the transfer of weapons and the provision of an effective monitoring system for its use.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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