The Ministry of Internal Affairs summed up the results of the competition of children's drawing on the theme “I am safe with the Ministry of Internal Affairs”

18.12.2022 09:00

On the occasion of St. Nicholas Day, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announced a competition of children's drawing on the theme “I am safe with the Ministry of Internal Affairs”, which was held from December 1 to 16. Participants were children under the age of 14.

The works were evaluated according to thematic relevance, creative approach, original decision in revealing the topic of the competition.

According to the Minister of Internal Affairs Denis Monastyrsky, in this way the Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to ask the children whether they trust their employees for their safety and whether they understand what important tasks rescuers and policemen, border guards and national guards perform today:

“As this competition showed, all the children highly appreciated our work. It could even be said like this: 12 points out of 12 possible. And this certainly puts additional responsibility on all the services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since it is the trust of children that will inspire us to daily achievements for the sake of our common Victory.”

During the competition, more than 2500 drawings were received, 400 of them were selected according to the requirements of the competition and the contestants will be awarded in the regions where they live. In addition, it was decided that all drawings would be handed over to wounded soldiers of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who are currently undergoing treatment in rehabilitation centers.

“I am sure that this kind of “therapy” will allow our fighters to recover as soon as possible and return to the mood in order to continue selflessly serving the Motherland,” added Denis Monastyrsky.

On the day of summing up, ten winners were invited to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine to be awarded incentive gifts from the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

So, among the winners is Nastya from Kyiv. She is 6 years old, and she depicted the shooting down of enemy chess players by the State Emergency Service and the National Police, for which she received a gift from the director of the Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Andreev.

13-year-old Darina from Kyiv painted the Angel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs guard. Therefore, her work was recognized as the best by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Sergey Goncharov. He also handed a gift from First Deputy Minister Yevgeny Yenin to 9-year-old Zlata from the city of Severodonetsk, who presented a drawing called “Evacuation” for the competition.

The drawing of Tatiana from the Transcarpathian region entitled “Ministry of Internal Affairs in defense of the Ukrainian people” was recognized as the best by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Bohdan Drapyaty.

The work of the “Wing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” Markiyan from Lviv region was noted by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Bondarenko. He also presented a gift to Evgenia from the city of Kiev for the work “Policeman with wings”, which was recognized as the best in the National Police.

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Mary Akopyan liked the paintings of 6-year-old Anna from the city of Dnipro - “Me and my friends are safe from the Ministry of Internal Affairs”, and Darya from the city of Lyuboml, who depicted Patron in the picture serving with the border guard.

The drawing about a safe city from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was drawn by Nastya from the city of Kiev, was noted by the State Secretary of the Ministry Yuri Lubkovich.

A separate gift was prepared by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. After reviewing hundreds of works, Denis Monastyrsky recognized the best work of 4-year-old Milan from the city of Irpin.

In conclusion, the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs arranged for the winners of the competition an inspection of special equipment used by police, emergency personnel and national guards. Also, the children were entertained by giant dolls, with which everyone could take pictures in memory.

We don't just believe that children are our future, but we prove it every day with our struggle. Today we stand up for a common cause — the welfare of our children. And we fight not only for those who live now, but also for future generations.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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