The Ministry of Internal Affairs announces a children's drawing contest on the theme “I am safe with the Ministry of Internal Affairs”

29.11.2022 12:50

We don't just believe that children are our future, but we prove it every day with our struggle. Today we stand up for a common cause — the welfare of our children. And we fight not only for those who live now, but also for future generations.

On the day of St. Nikolay The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announces a competition of children's drawing on the theme “I am safe with the Ministry of Internal Affairs”, which will be held from December 1 to 19. Participants in the competition are children under 14 years of age inclusive.

Requirements for competitive works:

One non-returnable job is accepted from each participant. The number of works from one participant is not limited. The drawing should be done by yourself, without the help of others. Collective work is not considered.

On the title side of the figure in the lower right corner, it is necessary to indicate in Ukrainian in printed letters: the name and surname of the author, his age, place of residence, name of the picture.

On the reverse side of the work, you should indicate the contact phone number of one of the parents, (if available) the full name of the teacher (head of the circle, etc.), the educational institution.

Terms of delivery:

1 — 15 December — announcement of the competition and receipt of works from participants;

December 16-18 — determination of the authors of the best works;

December 19 — awarding of the winners of the contest.

Evaluation of works is carried out according to the following criteria:

thematic relevance;

creative approach;

original solution in the disclosure of the topic of the competition.

Promotion of the winners of the contest:

Authors of the top ten works will receive gifts from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

By participating in the competition, its participants agree that if they win, their names and drawings can be published and used by the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the official website of the Ministry, social networks, as well as in the media. Such use is free of charge and is not refunded in any way.

You can send the work for the competition to the e-mail address: [email protected]

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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