“We must fight until the last occupier leaves our land” — Igor Klymenko

29.09.2023 13:00

This was emphasized by the Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine during the presentation of films about the fighters of the “Guard of Offensive”.

On the eve of the Day of Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs presented three short films about the assault brigades of the “Guard of the Offensive” — “Azov”, “Burevia”, “Kara-Dag”, “Rubezh”, “Spartan”, “Red Viburnum”, “Charter””, “Fury” and “Steel Frontier”.

Currently, all units participate in battles in the East and South of Ukraine and have significant successes during counter-offensives.

“Since 2014, the forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine have been fighting back against the Russian occupiers. We have been fighting the enemy for centuries, because the goal in Russia is to destroy our identity and our entire people. It was this war that showed the real animal face of the enemy. Now our task is to drive the invaders out of our land and rebuild our cities,” Igor Klymenko said at the opening of the event.

In addition, the premiere of the films was attended by Heroes of the Russian-Ukrainian War, unit commanders, heads of the National Police, the State Border Service, the National Guard and cadets of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At the beginning of the presentation of the films, the Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko thanked the soldiers of the assault brigades for their dedicated service and protection of the country from Russian invaders. He stressed that they are among those who bring our Victory closer.

The Minister of Internal Affairs also noted the students of the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who, despite the war, chose the path of forming law order and rebuilding the country:

“I would like to address each and every one of you. You are young people who have felt called to serve for the good of the state. After the end of the war, the police and the National Guard will guard public order. Border guards will be on state lines, and rescuers will return to their usual tasks. We must not allow our family and loved ones to feel in danger.”

Between the presentation of the films, the soldiers and commanders of the assault brigades came to the guests, who talked about the fighting, comrades, evacuation, captivity and plans for the future already in a free country. In turn, cadets of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were happy to communicate with the fighters and ask about the successes at the front and the number of destroyed equipment.

“We build our units based on the experience gained. Experience is probably the most expensive thing we can have. You can't buy experience, you can't find it, you need to get it. At the beginning of the creation of the brigade, a program was developed, both of assault actions, and of units of fire support, artillery. Each of the fighters works in their own direction, having received appropriate training from instructors,” Valery Paditel, commander of the brigade “Steel Border”, told the cadets Hero of Ukraine.

It was under his command that the border guards performed tasks for the defense of Mariupol. He was the last of his detachment to leave Azovstal and was taken prisoner.

“We predicted a war a month before the start of a full-scale invasion, we have already carried out certain preparatory measures. No one believed the latter, but, unfortunately, it happened. The first impression was disappointment, and the next — as an officer — making decisions regarding the organization of defense of our state,” Valeriy Paditel recalls.

Also at the event was attended by the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine Oleksandr Pivnenko. He thanked the servicemen for their professionalism, strength and courage in the liberation of Ukrainian territories and stressed that Ukraine will definitely win this war:

“Your work, courage, courage and steadfastness enable us to contain and destroy the enemy, to liberate our territories. Ukrainians are proud of such warriors! Thank you to each and every one of you! Glory to Ukraine!”

At the end of the event, a fighter of the First Presidential Brigade “Burevia” came out to the audience under the pseudonym “Chancellor”, who presented his own song “My Strength”.

The 24-year-old serviceman from the beginning of the full-scale invasion took part in the defense of the Kiev region, and later, as part of the brigade “Bureva”, performed combat tasks in the Donetsk and Luhansk directions.

It was at the positions near the city of Siversk in the Bakhmut district that the “Chancellor” began to compose the first rhymes into lines for the future song, which, in the opinion of the fighter, should inspire and motivate his comrades to victory in the counteroffensive.

“There were a lot of wars. This war is the last!” the junior sergeant wrote on the wall of his prison cell, promising himself and his friends that it would be so.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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