Media about the Ministry of Internal Affairs: the story of the demobilized fighter of the National Guard Maxim Bystrytsky

22.04.2024 10:22

Maxim Bystrytskyi, a national guard from Poltava region, was one of the first to leave the reserve in accordance with the decree of President Volodymyr Zelensky on demobilization of military personnel. During the full-scale invasion, the military participated in the evacuation of fighters from the military unit in Gostomel, which was occupied by the Russians.

The fighter told his story in more detail in an interview with “Public”.

The man began military service in 2020. At that time Maxim was a student of one of the Poltava universities. To complete military service, the man continued to study in absentia.

“I went to serve pretty early. He came to school, studied, then went to our pedagogical university at the Faculty of History. So I thought that soon I would go into the army, since age already allowed. I was 19 years old. He was still a skeleton, so to speak, decided to leave and serve for a year and a half,” the fighter says.

Maxim began his military career in the National Guard. He served in units that guarded public order. This continued until the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia.

“I think many times people have seen videos from rallies where guys are standing in such big costumes. They were just our guys. Also, the guys who walked around the city in blue uniforms are also ours. We were often confused with the police. Some said it was landing because we had blue berets. We performed such a service,” says Maxim.

After February 24, 2022, Maxim's unit evacuated soldiers from Gostomel. Later, they guarded Kiev and its surroundings. During the service, the man received the rank of senior soldier. Says that this is the highest rank for a typesetter.

“Now we are carrying out measures to filter people who travel to Kiev, since I served in Kiev. These are checkpoints, patrolling individual zones. Now, mainly filtering measures. We are checking people not to bring ammunition, we are looking for individuals who may be connected to the aggressor country,” the man said.

Read more at the link.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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