“The math is simple — the more of us here, the fewer Russians here,” — National Guardsman on the work of air intelligence on the front lines

25.04.2024 19:00

The fighter of the brigade “Frontier” with the nickname Black, after being wounded, retrained from a machine gunner to a drone operator in order to return to the front and help his comrades.

The guy is currently performing tasks in the Donetsk region. He says that recently their unit managed to spoil the logistics of the occupiers well.

“Words cannot describe what that feeling is. You do not just conduct reconnaissance, but literally fly to destroy the enemy and you can clearly observe it. These are different emotions than those of the infantry,” Chorny says of his new job.

Before mastering drones, our hero was a machine gunner. On one of the rotations, during the evacuation of a wounded comrade, he survived a mortar shell. Shrapnel hit his face, arms and legs. Now Black recalls, the wounds were very hellish, but even then he knew for sure that he would return to his brothers.

“It was difficult to step on my feet, I walked with crutches for a long time and I was offered to study as an UAV operator. I learned quickly because it was interesting. I realized that it was mine. The most difficult thing now in the job is not to lose the drone, because the enemy has a lot of REB systems,” the guy says.

The fighter says that most often they “fly” at night, when the enemy is least likely to notice our “bird” in the sky. Although in their direction the Russians dug in well, they manage to fly into enemy dungeons and even destroy artillery.

“It is easier for us than the infantry, because from a distance we can fly to the rear of the enemy, see what is there, adjust our fire. Recently, Vasilek (mortar — ed.) was destroyed by dumps,” the hero shares his successes.

Black assures that anyone can also become a professional UAV operator, you only need a desire. He adds: “The math is simple — the more of us here, the fewer Russians here.”

National Guard of Ukraine

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