The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a number of draft laws

15.03.2024 19:15

Today, March 15, a number of draft laws were adopted at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, including:

- “On denunciation of the Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on cooperation in the field of emergency prevention and elimination of their consequences” and the draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

- “On Amendments to Paragraph 1 of Chapter IX “Final Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine”;

- “On amendments to paragraph 4 of the Regulation on the State Migration Service of Ukraine”.

Today, the termination of the Agreement is due to a radical change of circumstances in relations between Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus, which is complicit in Russia's armed aggression against our state. In view of this, the Agreement has lost its relevance, since the cooperation mechanisms provided for by it are not applied by the parties and cannot be applied.

Another document “On Amendments to Paragraph 1 of Chapter IX “Final Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine” provides for an increase of 15 thousand troops of the total number of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

With the adoption of the Law, the total number of the State Border Guard Service during the year from the date of termination or abolition of martial law on the territory of Ukraine will be up to 75,000 people, including up to 67,000 servicemen.

The Resolution “On Amendments to Paragraph 4 of the Regulation on the State Migration Service of Ukraine” provides that the State Migration Service may decide on:

- placement of persons at the point of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons illegally staying in Ukraine;

- readmission of persons;

- forced expulsion of foreigners and stateless persons from Ukraine;

- Prohibition of entry of foreigners and stateless persons to Ukraine.

In addition, the draft act provides for the clarification or addition of Regulation No. 360 in terms of the powers of the SMS regarding:

- implementation of measures related to the forced return of foreigners and stateless persons;

- control over the implementation of registration actions by the registration authorities, and in case of detected violations, sending to the relevant registration authority an order to take the necessary measures and eliminate them, which is mandatory for execution;

- keeping records;

- ensuring the work of the Situation Center;

- international cooperation;

- taking within its powers measures to ensure the delivery of documents certifying identity and confirming the citizenship of Ukraine, identity documents and confirming its special status from the state enterprise on which the relevant document is produced and belongs to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Economy, to territorial bodies and territorial units DMS;

- affixing an apostille on official documents issued by the State Tax Service, its territorial bodies or territorial units relating to the sphere of migration (immigration and emigration), including the fight against illegal (illegal) migration, citizenship, refugees and other categories defined by law of migrants;

- formation of a state order for the training of specialists and ensuring the improvement of their professional level in the relevant field, including using electronic information resources.

The adoption of this draft act will contribute to the improvement of the implementation of the state migration policy, both in the special period and in peacetime.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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