Igor Klymenko in Donetsk region: “Each of our fighters is motivated and aims for a single result - Victory”

02.05.2024 21:15

He spent this day in Donetsk region with the Heroes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: the 18th Sloviansk Brigade of the National Guard, border guards from “Vengeance”, policemen and rescuers serving in the combat zone. This was announced on his Telegram channel by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko.

He noted that he had heard the report of the brigade command on the situation on the front line, tasks and needs.

“Despite the intense enemy offensive, each of our fighters is motivated and aimed at the only result - Victory,” the Minister stressed.

Also, Igor Klymenko congratulated the fighters of the “Vengeance” brigade on the Day of the Border Guard, which was celebrated a few days ago, thanked the National Guardsmen, policemen and rescuers for their service.

“All of them risk their lives every day, with or without weapons. Thank you for your service to everyone!”, - summed up the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in his post.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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